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2018-10-16 15:07来源:重庆自考网

  1) This is the book that I just borrowed from the library.(这是我刚刚从图书馆借的书。)

  2) He put the money that his mother gave him in a safe place.(他把妈妈给他的钱放在一个安全的地方。)

  3) I don't remember where I put the CD that I bought yesterday. (我记不得把昨天买的CD放在哪儿了。)

  consist of的意思是“由……构成”,它与 make up of , compose of 的区别在于:consist of不可用被动语态,而make up of和 compose of 可以用被动语态。例如:

  1) The house consists of 6 rooms.

  2) The medical team is made up of three doctors and a nurse.

  3) The book is composed of 25 units.

  4. Salaried people who earn more than a few thousand dollars must pay a certain percentage of their salaries to the federal government.

  句中who引导的定语从句修饰 people.


  1) The girl who helped me with my English is our monitor.(帮助我学外语的那个女孩是我们班长。)

  2) The man who knocked at the door just now is my next-door neighbor.(刚才敲门的那个人是我的隔壁邻居。)

  3) The boy who was shot to death by his classmate was only 8.(被同学开枪打死的那个男孩才八岁。)


  1) 税率从百分之十四到百分之七十不等。(The percentage of the tax varies from 14% to 70%.)

  2) 学生的及格率达到了百分之九十五。(The percentage of students who passed the exam reached 95%.)

  3) 工业产量上涨了百分之十四。(The industrial output increased by 14%.)

  5. It depends on their salaries.

  depend on在句中的意思是“视……而定”。除此以外,还可表示“依靠”:“信赖”等。
